
Join us. Join the company.

Who is ASDS?

Aerospace Data Security GmbH is an Airbus Group company based in Stuhr (Bremen), which is specialized in the development of transmission and cryptography systems for special requirements, such as for the aerospace sector. ASDS has been developing data security systems to meet the highest standards for major international projects since 1997. Our projects range from space probe technology to encryption equipment for military special forces. Accomplished teams of engineers, software, and hardware developers, have successfully enabled the operation of these systems within the confines of Earth’s orbit for more than 50 trouble-free years.


What is your personality?

Our job postings fall broadly into three categories. Since we mainly want to get to know the person behind it, we have collected some characteristics reflecting the different personality types. If you can identify yourself in some of these points, feel free to look below in the job postings at the appropriate color. Don’t worry, not everything has to apply and maybe you will find yourself in more than one area. It is also no problem to apply for several jobs.


– Desire for new experiences
– Want to optimize
– Interested in handicrafts
– Eagerness to experiment
– Independent work
– Open, willing to learn
– Great curiosity
– Creative
– Enthusiastic


– Attentive
– Observational skills /
always a good overview
– Actionism
– Decisiveness
– Organizational talent
– Flexibility
– Assertiveness
– Proactive action
– Structured


–  Working independently
– Factual, logical
– Detail-oriented
– Patient / Perfectionist
– Analytical, Systematic
– Reactive
– Conscientious
– Professional
– Specialist expertise


Starte jetzt deine Karriere bei uns!

Bist du bereit, deine berufliche Zukunft zu gestalten? Bei uns hast du die Möglichkeit, in einem dynamischen Umfeld zu lernen und zu wachsen. Als Ausbildungsbetrieb legen wir großen Wert darauf, junge Talente zu fördern und zu unterstützen. Wir suchen motivierte und engagierte Azubis, die bereit sind, gemeinsam mit uns neue Herausforderungen anzunehmen und erfolgreich zu sein.

Warum bei uns eine Ausbildung beginnen?

  • Praxisnahes Lernen: Bei uns wirst du von erfahrenen Fachkräften betreut und erhältst eine fundierte Ausbildung, die dir wertvolle praktische Fähigkeiten vermittelt. Außerdem bieten wir internen Unterricht zur Klausur- und Prüfungsvorbereitung an.
  • Vielfältige Perspektiven: Entdecke bei uns deine Stärken und Interessen in verschiedenen Bereichen. Wir bieten spannende Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten für deine berufliche Laufbahn und bieten Übernahmechancen nach einem erfolgreichen Abschluss.
  • Teamarbeit und Unterstützung: Wir legen großen Wert auf ein motivierendes und unterstützendes Arbeitsumfeld, in dem Teamarbeit und Zusammenhalt großgeschrieben werden.
  • Teamevents, Sommer- und Weihnachtsfeste und viele weitere Benefits findest du weiter unten auf der Seite. 

Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung! 

Du möchtest Teil unseres Teams werden und deine Ausbildung bei uns beginnen? Sende uns deine Bewerbungsunterlagen und überzeuge uns von deinem Talent und deiner Motivation.

Hier mehr

Ausbildungsplatz Fachinformatiker Anwendungsentwicklung

Your profile:

– Realschulabschluss: empfohlen
– Gute Kenntnisse in den Fächern Mathematik und Informatik (Vorteil: Kenntnisse in Elektrotechnik)
– Begeisterung für IT – technische Zusammenhänge
– Gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift
– Eigeninitiative und Lernbereitschaft
– Freude am selbständigen Arbeiten sowie an kreativen Aufgaben und Projekten im Team

Your tasks:

Du lernst die Systemarchitektur, Programmiertechniken und -Sprachen kennen und in Anwendungsfällen testen.

Du unterstützt unsere Entwicklungsteams bei der Planung, Entwicklung und Verbesserung von Produkten. Du lernst die einzelnen Werkzeuge der Softwareentwicklung kennen.

Schicke uns deine Bewerbung

Teams & Open Positions

We are always open to receiving CVs from potential candidates. If there is no suitable position, you are also welcome to send an unsolicited application.
Feel also free to look below for your application in one minute.

Embedded Developer m/f/d (full-time)

Your profile:

You are open minded, motivated, curious and enthusiastic?

As you will have to cope with many new topics, it would be easier for you to get started if you are proficient in at least one of the following areas:

– Electronics development (circuit analysis, creation of schematics, layout)
– Firmware development (writing VHDL codes, performing simulations)
– Software for embedded systems (hardware related software programming, driver  programming, programming on real-time capable systems)
– Experience in security engineering (algorithmics, certification for security engineering components, Common Criteria, creating threat analysis)
– Information theory (performing mathematical-physical simulations, simulation of transmission systems)
– Integrity with regard to our special field of data security

Your tasks:

You have the opportunity to contribute your ideas to unique and long-lasting projects in the aerospace industry, and thus becoming an indispensable team member for the development of our high-security systems.

We set no limits to your innovation! Your perseverance and experimental thinking in relation to complex challenges can be crucial for our common projects.

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System Engineer EEE / Security m/f/d (full-time)

Your profile:

You are open minded, motivated, curious and enthusiastic?

It’s perfect if you have:
– Professional experience in the aerospace industry – but you should also apply if you worked on projects in other areas of technology.
– Experimental thinking and the will to break new ground
– Ability to communicate and to work in a team
– Secure command of English and good command of German
– Integrity with regard to our special field of data security

You are welcome to join us as a systems engineer or engineer specializing in communications engineering, electrical engineering or aerospace as well as a natural scientist with practical experience in the development field.

Your tasks:

You have the opportunity to contribute your ideas to unique and long-lasting projects in the aerospace industry, and thus becoming an indispensable team member for the development of our high-security systems.

What to expect:
– You create system specifications and plan systems in collaboration with colleagues from all disciplines.
– You coordinate and specify interfaces between subsystems
– You create block diagrams, flowcharts and state machines
– You perform system and error analyses and create project-relevant documents

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Security Engineer m/f/d (full-time/ part-time)

Your profile:

You are open minded, motivated, curious and enthusiastic?

It’s perfect if you have:
– Ambition to understand technical systems in detail
– Interest in IT security and cryptographic systems as well as willingness to understand and apply standards and norms
– Analytical and methodical way of working and a high degree of ability to work in a team
– Completed studies in the field of natural sciences, computer science or technology
– Secure command of English and good command of German
– Integrity with regard to our special field of data security

Your tasks:

You have the opportunity to contribute your ideas to unique and long-lasting projects in the aerospace industry, and thus becoming an indispensable team member for the development of our high-security systems.

What to expect:
You are going to support our interdisciplinary development team with our projects in the area of „Secure Systems“.
– Development of security concepts
– Creation of threat analyses
– Preparation of verification and test documents.
– You merge detailed information from various specialist subjects, but never lose sight of the „big picture“.

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Hardware Developer - Space m/f/d (full-time)

Your profile:

You are open minded, motivated, curious and enthusiastic?

It’s perfect if you have:
– Experience in creating documentation (e.g. system design, test documentation)
– Experience in formal development processes
– Successfully completed studies in the field of electrical engineering, mechatronics or comparable qualification
– System understanding and independent implementation of designs in complex specifications
– Team and communication skills and an independent, goal-oriented way of working
– Good command of German and secure command of English
– Integrity with regard to our special field of data security.

Your tasks:

You have the opportunity to contribute your ideas to unique and long-lasting projects in the aerospace industry, and thus becoming an indispensable team member for the development of our high-security systems.

What to expect:
– Circuit diagram and circuirt layout creation, PCB design according to various specifications
– Creation and extension of an automated test system
– Test and debugging of hardware prototypes
– Circuit simulations / worst-case analyses
– Creation of project and supporting documentation
– Product and manufacturing support

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Hardware Developer - Ground m/f/d (full-time)

Your profile:

You are open minded, motivated, curious and enthusiastic?

It’s perfect if you have:
– Experience in creating documentation (e.g. system design, test documentation)
– Experience in formal development processes
– Successfully completed studies in the field of electrical engineering, mechatronics or comparable qualification
– System understanding and independent implementation of designs in complex specifications
– Team and communication skills and an independent, goal-oriented way of working
– Good command of German and secure command of English
– Integrity with regard to our special field of data security.

Your tasks:

You have the opportunity to contribute your ideas to unique and long-lasting projects in the aerospace industry, and thus becoming an indispensable team member for the development of our high-security systems.

What to expect:
– Circuit diagram creation, PCB design
– Creation and extension of an automated test system
– Test and debugging of hardware prototypes
– Circuit simulations / worst-case analyses
– Creation of project and supporting documentation for verification processes
– Product and manufacturing support

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Software Developer m/f/d (full-time)

Your profile:

You are open minded, motivated, curious and enthusiastic?

It’s perfect if you have:
– Successfully completed studies in the field of computer science, electrical engineering or comparable qualification
– Experience with embedded software development in C/C++
– Experience in formal development processes (according to ESA ECSS standard)
– System understanding and independent implementation of designs into complex specifications
– Experience in creating documentation (including system design)
– Team and communication skills and independent, goal-oriented way of working
– Good command of German and secure command of English
– Integrity with regard to our special field of data security.

Your tasks:

You have the opportunity to contribute your ideas to unique and long-lasting projects in the aerospace industry, and thus becoming an indispensable team member for the development of our high-security systems.

What to expect:
– Software development according to relevant software quality specifications
– Definition of software products and creation of software concepts
– Optimization of the development process
– Estimation of development effort
– Programming of software modules in C/C++
– Development of corresponding test concepts and maintenance of documentation such as specifications and reports

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VHDL Developer m/f/d (full-time)

Your profile:

You are open minded, motivated, curious and enthusiastic?

It’s perfect if you have:
– Successfully completed studies in the field of engineering / natural sciences
– Experience in creating documentation (e.g. system design, test documentation) and requirements-based work
– Willingness to understand complex systems and implement designs
– Ability to communicate and to work in a team
– Secure knowledge of English, good knowledge of German
– Integrity in relation to our special field of data security

Your tasks:

You have the opportunity to contribute your ideas to unique and long-lasting projects in the aerospace industry, and thus becoming an indispensable team member for the development of our high-security systems.

What to expect:
– Firmware development (creating VHDL codes, performing simulations)
– Development and realization of corresponding test concepts
– Creation and maintenance of documentation such as specifications, design descriptions, test procedures and reports
– Support in the definition of system concepts

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Electronics Developer m/f/d (full-time/ part-time)

Your profile:

You are open minded, motivated, curious and enthusiastic?

It’s perfect if you have:
– Successfully completed studies (FH/TH/BA) in electrical/communications engineering
– Experience in the field of printed circuit board development
– System understanding and independent implementation of designs according to complex specifications
– Experience in the preparation of documents (e.g. system design, test documentation)
– Secure knowledge of English and good knowledge of German
– Integrity in relation to our special field of data security

Your tasks:

You have the opportunity to contribute your ideas to unique and long-lasting projects in the aerospace industry, and thus becoming an indispensable team member for the development of our high-security systems.

What to expect:
– Developing and simulating circuits/circuit diagrams
– Creating PCB layouts
– Carrying out circuit analyses
– Creation and maintenance of related documentation
– Checking the development and construction status and performing non-conformance procedures if necessary

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Computer Scientist m/f/d (full-time/ part-time)

Your profile:

You are open minded, motivated, curious and enthusiastic?

It’s perfect if you have:
– Several years of experience in the implementation of software projects ideally in the field of highly secure and reliable applications
– Integrity in relation to our special field of data security

Your tasks:

You have the opportunity to contribute your ideas to unique and long-lasting projects in the aerospace industry, and thus becoming an indispensable team member for the development of our high-security systems.

– Realization of software solutions for the aerospace industry (programming languages C, C++)
– Verifications and tests
– Checking and testing of the developed solutions

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Scientific Staff Research & Development m/f/d

Your profile:

You are open minded, motivated, curious and enthusiastic?

It’s perfect if you have:
– Successfully completed studies in mathematics or physics, but you are also welcome to us as a career changer with an information technology background.
– Professional contacts to the aerospace industry – but also apply if you have accompanied projects in other technology sectors.
– Sound knowledge of German and English
– We expect you to have integrity with regard to our special field of data security.

Your tasks:

Through your work you have the opportunity to become an indispensable team member for the future development of our high-security systems.

What to expect:
– Scientific research
– Creation of technical documentation
– Coding of algorithms for use in the aerospace industry

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Scientific Staff Aerospace m/f/d

Your profile:

You are open minded, motivated, curious and enthusiastic?

It’s perfect if you have:
– Successfully completed studies in mathematics or physics, but you are also welcome as a career changer with an information technology background
– Professional contacts to aerospace or other technology sectors
– A sound knowledge of German and English
– Integrity in relation to our special field of data security

Your tasks:

Through your work you have the opportunity to become an indispensable team member for the future development of our high-security systems.

What to expect:
– Scientific research
– Carrying out simulations and feasibility studies
– Creation of technical documentation

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Employee Document Management m/f/d (part time)

Your profile:

You are open minded, motivated, curious and enthusiastic?

It’s perfect if you have:
– Professional contacts with aerospace or other technology sectors.
– Logical and analytical skills, high motivation, networked thinking, ability to work in a team
– Sound knowledge of German and good English skills
– Integrity in relation to our special field of data security

Your tasks:

Through your work you have the opportunity to become an indispensable team member for the future development of our high-security systems.

What to expect:
– Database entry and administration of all documents from software and hardware development
– Verification of correct version statuses of software and hardware in the databases of the projects
– Document creation according to aerospace standards

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Assistance Quality Management m/f/d (full-time)

Your profile:

You are open minded, motivated, curious and enthusiastic?

It’s perfect if you have:
– Completed Studies as engineer or technician in the field of economics, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering or an alternative degree with a background in natural sciences
– Sound knowledge of ISO 9001 standard
– Structured approach and high quality awareness
– Analytical, systematic and conceptual thinking skills
– Team and communication skills and independent, goal-oriented way of working
– Good German and secure English skills
– Integrity with regard to our special field of data security

Your tasks:

You have the opportunity to contribute your ideas to unique and long-lasting projects in the aerospace industry, and thus becoming an indispensable team member for the development of our high-security systems.

What to expect:
– Contact person to the customer’s quality organization, verification in the projects
– Ensuring that quality requirements are taken into account / implemented throughout the entire course of the project
– Creation, review and approval of quality relevant documents
– Planning and execution of internal and external audits

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Configuration/Requirements Management m/f/d (full-time)

Your profile:

Are you open, eager to learn, curious, and enthusiastic? Ideally, you possess:

  • Previous exposure to aerospace or other technological fields
  • Logical and analytical skills, high motivation
  • Ability for lateral thinking, teamwork
  • Strong proficiency in both German and English
  • Integrity regarding our specialized field of data security

Your Tasks:

Here, you have the opportunity to contribute to unique and future-oriented projects in aerospace, becoming an essential team member in the development of our high-security systems. What to expect:

  • Configuration management/documentation
  • Administration and reporting of all configuration items from software and hardware development
  • Review and documentation of all technical product developments
  • Control and change management within projects
  • Document creation in accordance with aerospace standards

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Unsolicited application

Send an unsolicited application:
We are always looking for new talents to support and complement our team with enthusiasm and commitment. Convince us with your skills.

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Ready to get started?

Our Commitment:

We are offering the opportunity to be part of a team that works in exciting projects within the aerospace industry. Our field of work requires your willingness to venture into technically challenging terrain, an open mindset for unconventional ideas, and for a high level of personal responsibility. You can expect a multinational team of experts and enthusiasts, which works closely together to achieve our common goals, and encourages constant development on a professional and personal level. We are a growing company that cares for long-term commitments, beyond the life-cycle of a single project.

Perks & Benefits

In addition to co-operative and good-natured colleagues and a really pleasant working atmosphere, ASDS offers you several other benefits like various team activities, a family team spirit with flat hierarchies, the possibility of a flexible and family-friendly work schedule.

flexible working times

Whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, your work hours adapt to you. On top, there are flexible breaks and, overtime regulations offered. This means that family, leisure time, and work can be optimally harmonized.

30 days vacation

Minimum vacation was yesterday. Your recreation is important to us, therefore 30 days of vacation per year are granted. Time for you, time to recharge your batteries, because work-life balance is important to us.


With Hansefit you can stay fit and enjoy an „all-in-one“ adventure at the same time. Be fit and healthy – anytime, anywhere, with maximum flexibility, countless sports opportunities and many savings.


A bicycle leasing program designed for all employees. The enticing leasing terms allow you to enjoy the convenience of a top-notch bicycle or E-bike at exceptionally affordable rates, with the flexibility to adapt to your needs.

Continuing education opportunities

Continuing education, courses, workshops and seminars always give us a new perspective on things. Continuous development is important to stay curious and to actively shape one’s personal and professional environment.

Team Events

Shared experiences, strong teams: Our team events are more than just activities. Whether it’s cool summer parties or other exciting adventures – we cultivate team spirit through unforgettable moments.

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Data privacy

15 + 8 =

Aerospace Data Security GmbH
(Main Office)

Rodendamm 34
D-28816 Stuhr, Germany

Tel: +49 (0)421 898 360-24
Fax: +49 (0)421 898 360-28

© 2023 - Aerospace Data Security GmbH