High-rate wireless digital communications
ASDS is specialised in the processing of high-rate signals. Receiver and transmitter structures are realised via specially developed hardware platforms, in order to implement state-of-the-art communication channels (CDMA, spread spectrum…), as well as classical transmission methods in accordance with CCSDS.
New and innovative approaches are being pursued to efficiently apply complex signal processing algorithms in aeronatical, space, and naval hardware.

- Modulators / demulators, BPSK, QPSK, SQPSK, etc.
- Highspeed filtering
- Highspeed data conversion
- Pattern recognition
- Channel encoding / decoding
- Spread spectrum
Harsh environmental conditions require special hardware solutions that have been specifically developed to fulfill the high demands on their technical designs. Hence, the best possible solution for a specific field of work, is a suitable hardware in combination with optimized algorithms that correspond to the requirements of the communication task. Elaborate combinations are able to tackle even the most demanding task and ease the workload of the operator.
Aerospace Data Security GmbH
(Main Office)
Rodendamm 34
D-28816 Stuhr, Germany
Tel: +49 (0)421 898 360-24
Fax: +49 (0)421 898 360-28
© 2023 - Aerospace Data Security GmbH